Joy To The World

Joy just is. It’s not in the lights or the stars, in getting or giving presents; nor is it in gathering with friends and family, although one might, or might not, be aware of joy in any of these experiences. Experiences come and go; joy is a spiritual quality that is unchanging. It manifests through awareness of it.

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Are We Free?

Are we free, or are we enslaved?

Most people don’t realize that they are enslaved. It is so widespread that they think it is just natural to be paralyzed with fear. So the first thing is to know the difference between being enslaved and being free. Once we know that we can be enslaved when we could be free, then the question is, What is the next step?

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Questions? Doubts?

Here is a simple idea to discern what is good and healthy vs what is not:

Any idea, or system of values, or religious system, anything that impinges on individual existence, can validate itself or disqualify itself by its consequences for the health and fulfillment of the individual. . .

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Transcending Discord

if we have the right idea of what abundance is and what its source is, we will never lack an opportunity for being useful and helpful. But if we are ignorant of this fact and feel deprived or sorry for ourselves, we have closed the floodgates of the good which God is generously pouring out continuously.

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What is Resentment and How Can It Be Healed?

As long as we blame someone for anything, we are angry and resentful, and we desire to punish or get even or hurt somebody; but we usually hurt ourselves. If we give up blaming, we will not only forgive, but we relieve the pressure under which we are living. To carry a grudge is a very crippling mental condition.

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Work as Spiritual Opportunity: part 2 Harmonious Prospering

. . .Our ability and willingness to be useful and helpful in business or employment determines the prospering of it. Should we experience insufficient income or a slowdown in our business, we need to improve our ability to be helpful.

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Work as a Spiritual Opportunity; part 1

. . .In a certain sense, looking for a job is a mistake. We are looking to be useful, to contribute. While it is intelligent to be concerned with what benefits we may derive from our employment, we must also be interested in what way we may benefit the company or institution we work for.

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NEW! Seed: a story about growing . . .

NEW! Seed: a story about growing . . .

Seed finds itself on a journey to share the best of who it is with all life. Landing underneath a boulder on a cliff, her growth is stunted and sorrow abounds. This is a story about human existence. We are inevitably born into circumstances that are not perfect. Discovering the perfection of being within imperfect circumstances is the journey. Seed is on this journey, as we all are. How does Seed find the way from unhappiness to joy?  You will just need to read the book to find out! 

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When Someone We Respect Behaves Badly

Do we forgive and forget? Do we condemn and punish? When respected loved ones reveal experiences of victimization and/or are exposed as sexual predators it is not possible to simply write off them off as“making a big deal out of nothing"  or “evil.”

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How Can We Be Safe?

In what way can man find peace, assurance, freedom, gratitude, love, life in the midst of an epidemic of crime? Wherein lies safety?

Safety lies in understanding that the solution to the problem is not in society or in the police, but in consciousness. A certain quality of consciousness will create a predilection to victimization, and another quality of consciousness will create a sense of safety.

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God is an Is system

There is a saying, “Laws are made to be broken.” But if we understand God as an “Is system,” it will make no sense at all to violate it. For instance, if we know that gravitation is, it is clear that no one in his right mind would want to challenge it by jumping out of the window.

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Healing that "Funky" Feeling

Just a little funk. A moment of downness and unhappiness, with the repeating question “what to do next?” There is a search for distraction through routine, obligations, or entertainment. And yet, anything that occurs to me that needs to be done or could be done is coated in burdensomeness and resistance.

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To study means “to learn.” Before one can begin to understand Metapsychiatry one needs to expose themselves to the ideas of Metapsychiatry.  Here are the options to get started:

-Read the books and booklets: Two good booklets to begin with are: The Sounless Music of Life and Forgiveness – but if you are drawn to another booklet or book, by all means, begin there.

-Listen to audio recordings of classes and dialogues with Dr. Hora: The first three on the home page of Audio Recordings cover some of the core ideas of Metapsychiatry.

-Watch the video recording of Dr. Hora and the 60 minute documentary on Metapsychiatry.

If after being exposed to the ideas you are drawn to hear, read and see more – this study may be just right for you.  If you are drawn and have questions or concerns – make an appointment with a Metapsychiatry Counselor to see if your questions and concerns can be answered. 

For more on the process of understanding read more here. . .

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Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance looks for the answers to life’s difficulties beyond superficial cures and coping mechanisms to understanding something about who we really are and what life is all about.

All problems are psychological and all solutions are spiritual.

-Dr. Thomas Hora

Problems cannot be solved from within the mindset that is experiencing the problem. Any good solution needs to come from a larger, wider, more elevated view of the situation.

Metapsychiatry is a method of spiritual guidance. It begins with the premise that we are spiritual beings capable of transcending the human condition we find ourselves in. In other words, we have the capacity to see our situation from a larger perspective.

The larger view of any situation can open us to the wisdom necessary to see our problems with the awareness of the transcendent self. Just as looking at a map can provide the larger view needed to guide the way when traveling in unfamiliar territory.

A Metapsychiatrically oriented spiritual guide is a committed and well-seasoned fellow journeyer on the path of truth realization. The dialogue between seeker and guide is a joint endeavor in the search for what is true, meaningful and helpful regarding the issues and questions brought to the meeting by the seeker.