Here is a simple idea to discern what is good and healthy vs what is not:
Any idea, or system of values, or religious system, anything that impinges on individual existence, can validate itself or disqualify itself by its consequences for the health and fulfillment of the individual. . .
In what way can man find peace, assurance, freedom, gratitude, love, life in the midst of an epidemic of crime? Wherein lies safety?
Safety lies in understanding that the solution to the problem is not in society or in the police, but in consciousness. A certain quality of consciousness will create a predilection to victimization, and another quality of consciousness will create a sense of safety.
". . . humility, is not proud; it is dignified, inspired, intelligent, peaceful, assured, alert, responsive, and highly effective. It is not a form of behavior but, rather, a quality of consciousness. . . . If we could be truly humble we would never know anxiety."
Whenever we find ourselves facing some physical symptom or any other kind of problem, we can be sure that we are in a state of fear.
Children are influenced by three factors in parental consciousness: what the parents cherish, what they hate and what they fear. Therefore, healthy parenthood is impossible just on the basis of good intentions or self-sacrificing love. Parents can be loving, generous and devoted, and move heaven and earth for the sake of a child, but if they don’t understand these three elements in consciousness, they may be of little benefit.
Instead of imaging God as the all powerful arbitrator who decides who suffers and who prospers, the “Good” would be understood as the dynamic principle of all life. Who could misunderstand that? Would we kill in the name of Good? There might be disagreements about personal good versus collective good but we won’t kill each other over it. Good can be defined so that there is no mistake.
There is not one person or organization that can rightfully shoulder the culpability for this devastating event. As in all experiences that “go wrong” with suffering, heart ache, trauma and enormous expense, there is an endless wagon train of ignorance, arrogance, greed and ambition in many individual acts along the way.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just point out who the “bad guy” is and let them know what they’ve done wrong, let them know that it is their fault, and then they change? Wow! Then the world would be just as we think it should be.
To understand God, it is important to understand that God is unimaginable Reality; we have to be capable of knowing that which cannot be imagined.
Infinite Love-Intelligence, the Metapsychiatric name for God, implies an infinite source of ideas. These ideas are not duplications of one another; they are unique in content and...
The purpose of life is to live a happy, fulfilled, meaningful life in harmony with others. The joyful life is only possible when we come to know that we are essentially spiritual consciousnesses, a living soul – “in” this world as a blessing, not “of” it attempting to get love, happiness and fulfillment through others, through work, through pleasure or pain. This is the journey of soul existence we are all on.
“And when we say God speaks to us, what do we mean? We mean that divine ideas 'obtain' in consciousness. We become aware of receiving intelligent, loving, creative ideas, and these ideas are messages from God. We call them angels.” -Dr. Hora
Real meditation heals - transforms the entire outlook on life - and even affects man's circumstances.
We can define prayer as an endeavor to behold what is real. It is an endeavor to connect with reality. What does this have to do with psychotherapy and healing? If we have reverence for truth and we appreciate spiritual values, then our life becomes a prayer. Life is then lived in the consciousness of what is true, beautiful, and good.
The word “obedience” tends to elicit negative reactions, because of the connotation of human tyranny and childhood coercive experiences. But the obedience we are talking about here refers to the willingness to listen to and to be governed by impartations of Divine Mind, coming to us moment by moment.
Are we free, or are we enslaved?
Most people don’t realize that they are enslaved. It is so widespread that they think it is just natural to be paralyzed with fear. So the first thing is to know the difference between being enslaved and being free. Once we know that we can be enslaved when we could be free, then the question is, What is the next step?