Intuition to Enlightenment
/Intuition begins the path Home. At least it did for me. Every individual is on a journey from being asleep to being awake. Each journey is unique where the circumstances of life continually reveal the next steps.
Like a treasure hunt, once the code for reading the map of life is discovered, all of the challenges become clues to the whole puzzle. And, as this treasure hunt unfolds, the treasure is available every moment, piling up the blessings that arise from being awake as the clues are understood.
Once bitten by the intuitive bug – the capacity to know without any doubt - the answer to a problem, the solution to a puzzle, the direction to take in a complex situation - there is no turning back. The inner genie has been seen. It may be ignored, but it cannot be denied. It’s being in the zone – like hitting the golf ball just right – the “ping” of hitting the tennis ball right where it needs to be.
Intuition is the mental ‘zone’ where harmony, insight, joy and clarity all come together. And even though we practice – practice – practice – it cannot be mastered – in can only be received. The first intuitive flash is to the spiritual seeker what watching the Olympics is to a budding competitive athlete. Once that moment of insight has occurred – we’re hooked – we’ve found the direction of life – the pearl of great price to be gained at any cost.
At first we are temped to just take the pearl and own it, master it as something we can possess. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to take out the pearl of intuitive wisdom whenever it was needed to get through a difficult situation? Like having a secret weapon to defend against the harshness of living.
But the true cost of the pearl of wisdom eventually reveals itself. Everything. Everything we ever thought we knew about ourselves, how life works, what we are alive for.
As it turns out, as the “everything” of life is gradually given up, “every thing” of life improves. Go figure!
Intuition leads the way to the Reality of life that is glorious freedom from want, worry, and woes. And, like the ferry that takes us to the other side of the river, once we’ve arrived, intuition is no longer necessary. The larger wholeness of life of which intuitive wisdom is a slice, has filled the space.
Joy just is. It’s not in the lights or the stars, in getting or giving presents; nor is it in gathering with friends and family, although one might, or might not, be aware of joy in any of these experiences. Experiences come and go; joy is a spiritual quality that is unchanging. It manifests through awareness of it.