PAGL Groups & Counselors
/Students of Metapsychiatry listed in the PAGL Newsletter who work with individuals and lead PAGL Group meetings:
Heather Brodhead: or call (California): 805.898.9931.
Susan Fisher: (Connecticut) 203.332.4890
Bruce & Diana Kerievsky: or call: (New Jersey): 609.662.4911
Nancy Rosanoff: nancy@rosanoff. com or call (New York): 914.930.7095
Susan von Reichenbach: or call (Connecticut): 860.405.4044.
Joy just is. It’s not in the lights or the stars, in getting or giving presents; nor is it in gathering with friends and family, although one might, or might not, be aware of joy in any of these experiences. Experiences come and go; joy is a spiritual quality that is unchanging. It manifests through awareness of it.