Letting the Holidays Unfold
/It seems clear in the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus that God functions outside the boundaries of conventional thinking. An illegtimate child is born in unsanitary conditions without social connections. What was God thinking?
Perhaps the message from God is to appreciate the value of “letting be.” In the Christmas story the issues that often seem so important in modern life turn out not to be important at all. It was a blessed event, as it is whenever a child comes into this world, regardless of the circumstances. Yet how often we miss this.
And, perhaps all the events in our lives are blessed, regardless of whether it conforms to what we think it should be or shouldn’t be, whether we like it or not.
“The most important things in life cannot be done and it behooves us to learn to let.” So says Dr. Hora, the founder of Metapsychiatry.
And, as the bible says: ". . . the battle is not yours, but God's" (II Chronicles 20:15)
When we make demands or attempt to make something happen we are "battling." We miss the perfection of what is, rolling right over it with ideas about what we have been taught are good and right.
"Letting" allows each moment be what it is, without doing or distorting. And, as the awareness of what is becomes clearly seen, we respond as participants in the unfolding journey of life, as did the shepherds and the wise men in the Christmas story.