But if we try to live without attachments, then we become self-reliant, and that has its problems too. God cannot be ignored. If we try to ignore God, then we make ourselves into God, and that is not existentially valid. But if we are attached to God cognitively, rather than religiously, then this is ultimate freedom. . . .
Every little bit of good that comes unto us helps us to let go of invalid attachments. When we let go, the everlasting arms of Love will catch us. Then we are free, and it is all effortless—we are constantly being inspired with intelligent ideas, spiritual energy, love, and joy. . . .
We must come to know God—it is not enough to know about God. If we are religious, then we know about God. But existential knowing means that we must actually realize the reality of God, so that we have a cognitive awareness of God, rather than just a belief in God. . . . Knowing God will give you more than attachment— it is at-one-ment.
Where there is an attachment between a mother and daughter, what are they trying to do? They are trying to realize at-one-ment. And when people are sexually drawn to one another, they are trying to realize an at-one-ment. This is just a symbolic representation of the real at-one-ment. It is not the real thing, and if you take it for the real thing, you will be left with an attachment and a lot of trouble. Now if a man and a woman get attached to each other and are one in the sexual act, does that make them whole? Hardly. No, it is just a symbolic act indicating a yearning in all of us for at-one-ment with God.
-Dr. Hora: One Mind