The Meta View

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Who’s to Blame?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just point out who the “bad guy” is and let them know what they’ve done wrong, let them know that it is their fault, and then they change? Wow! Then the world would be just as we think it should be.

It’s easy to know who or what is to blame, but where does this get us? It perpetuates the evil we would like to see disappear.

The “evil” that is shared by both the blamer and the blameworthy is “should thinking.” Both sides know how things should and should not be and that makes it easy to know who is doing it wrong. But this ends up in a continuous dog pile of ignorance – in other words, the news headlines.

So what is a well-meaning seeker of truth to do in the face of such ugly ignorance?

Certainly it is not the right idea to judge another by their outward appearance, and it is not the right idea to bully and terrorize in order to have our way. These behaviors are in line with a personal conviction about who is to blame, and what should be and shouldn’t be.

Jesus said: “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.” Such a simple statement puts the whole issue in a loving perspective: let the healing begin with me.

Of course it is not good to shoot someone based on the color of their skin, and it is not good to steal, and it is not good to terrorize others into believing what you believe.

Ignorance is to blame, as all of these acts are ignorant of who we really are and the purpose of our lives. Healing can begin once blame is placed where it belongs.

Ron Johnson, the highway patrol captain is standing up and speaking out for integrity, compassion, transparency, and a commitment to truth in Ferguson, Missouri. He is a great example of a healing presence. We can see this is true by watching all the local citizens who are receiving and loving his message.

The truth is within each of us and we need guidance and inspired voices to help us live it in the face of such distressing and frightening events.

The way of healing is to be on the side of truth. All of us can be part of the problem or part of the solution. It’s the very personal human mind that is compelled to take a side – but there is no “side” to Wholeness.

We also have the capacity to be aware of what is true, good, loving and intelligent. It is possible to see the ignorance and not react with more ignorance, but see the reactive “blamer” within our own consciousness. And it is possible to then turn our attention to the capacity to respond to the present issues with wisdom.